Episode 96 - Pricing your products

Small business owners typically struggle with pricing their products, especially digital products. In this episode, we discuss the factors that must be considered when setting your prices.

For more information about pricing your services, check out episode 90.

The components of pricing

There are four components of pricing:

  1. Direct materials - These are the materials that go into each unit of...
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Episode 95 – Get the most out of your vanity metrics

Why do we always look at numbers that mean very little?

Vanity metrics are the numbers that push most online businesses. However, they are just that vanity. They can make us feel great when they look good or grow.  However, if they are low then we feel horrible. It makes us what to stop.   

However, we need to remember that good or bad they mean nothing on their own....

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Episode 94 - Health and Wellness Tips with Emily Olson

As small business owners, we often forget to take care of ourselves in the midst of our busy schedules. Join us for some wisdom from integrative health and wellness coach, Emily Olson. 

Health and Wellness for the Small Business Owner

During this discussion, we cover food, movement, and energy so you can more effectively run your business. We had a lot of fun doing this interview and...

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Episode 93 - How to automate your appointment scheduling

Scheduling client meetings, interviews, and other appointments can be time-consuming. In this episode, we discuss appointment scheduling apps that can help you save time and get paid faster.

Why should you consider an appointment scheduling app?

There are many reasons to use one of these apps. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Allows clients to schedule appointments with you without...
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Episode 92 - Simplifying your life

We spend a lot of time trying to simplify our businesses, but how often do you think about simplifying your life? In this episode, we discuss tips for simplifying your life. 

Simplify your home

  • Minimize your stuff
  • Automate your home maintenance
  • Have a cleaning kit
  • Pick up 15 minutes each day
  • Choose quality first

Simplify your money

  • Automate your bills
  • Pay off your debt
  • Have an emergency...
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Episode 91 - 2017 Email List Services Update

There have been some significant updates to email list managers in 2017. In this week's episode, we'll discuss what to look for in an email list service and what the major small business providers are now offering.

Mentions in this episode

Thrive Themes (affiliate link)

Listen Now

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Episode 90 - Pricing your services

When you set the rates for your services, how much did you think about it? How did you come up with that figure? In this episode, we discuss how to set a rate for your services that allows you to achieve your goals and plan for the future. 

Are you a price taker or a price maker?

In the area of pricing, there are two types of companies: price takers and price makers. 

  • Price takers...
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Episode 89 - What are you really selling?

When selling products and services, we often spend lots of time focusing on the technical aspects of what we sell. However, we should be spending more time focusing on the benefits of what we are selling.

What are you really selling?

Every product or service we sell benefits our customers. When you look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, everything we sell fits into one of the five categories:

  1. ...
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Episode 88 – Want more customers? Improve website navigation

business/career website May 21, 2017

Most of the business owners I have met start thinking about their website in the wrong terms. They worry about how modern or "beautiful" their website looks. 

However, this is the wrong thing. When we start creating the site, our first concern should be how our visitors can find the content, product, or service they are looking for and then focus on how it looks.


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Episode 87 - 5 keys to creating connections

People want to do business with people they like and trust. The only way to create those relationships is to build connections. In this episode, we discuss the 5 keys to creating connections.

How can we create meaningful connections?

Many small business owners struggle with customer acquisition. Traditional advertising doesn't work and many are leery about social media or just don't know...

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